Level Up Branding

This project is about creating a brand that people can identify with, running some questions to discover the needs of the user persona, and designing not just a logo but a brand with an essence that you can see on a landing page promoting to download the new app.


We believe that with the brand design for the running platform focused on sedentary adults from 25 to 40 years old, the value of being active for a better life will be transmitted.

Golden Circle

After collecting information through forms and interviews, we found important data about the needs of our users that served as a guide for the development of the strategy.

  • Core Values
    • Freedom
    • Fun
    • Innovation
    • Goals
  • Emotiona Benefits
    • Self Steem
    • Happiness
    • Clear Mind
    • Rest
  • Functional Benefits
    • Progress
    • Healthy Body
    • Schedules
    • Discipline
  • Features and Atributes
    • Interactive
    • Guides
    • Flexible
    • Friendly

Brand Essense

Inspire a balanced life through running exercises, which are adjusted to the times and needs of each user.

Brand Persona

Basic Info

Name: Carlos
Age: 30


I wish I had more friends to go running. It bothers you that people are stressed about your work. You don't like tedious routines. You are afraid that your students will hurt themselves while exercising. He does not like to exercise without music. He hates sitting all day.


Mexican, city. Upper middle class. With a stable job Single living in an apartment Like to play video games Order your food at home


To improve people's physical condition. Get them into the habit of doing running routines to stay healthy. He wants people to find a time to run / exercise.

Landing Page