Banorte Web Platform

This is a study case to rethinking the complete digital platform of banorte. Just for the academic purpose, it contains a study and a redesign of the website, a web and mobile dashboard.


The actual platform contains a lot of information that makes the navigation difficult for the customer, and it must be easier to understand, so by redesigning with a clear interface it will attract more customers and it will make visible just the information that the users needs.

My Role

UX Design, Research, Interaction Design, Prototyping, Design System.


We believe that with a renewal and improvement of the user experience in the current platforms of the Banorte bank we will reduce the load of people who receive the branches by a minimum of 30%.

User Persona

I hate long lines at the bank for relatively simple operations.

Dolores Rodriguez
  • Lawyer, 32 yo.
  • Incomes $800/m
  • Lives in downtown
  • Has a dog
  • Use her own car


She does not understand the application and you have to go to the bank to be able to transactions. Uses the app to check your balance only.


I would like to pay friends quickly, without the need for paperwork and back and forth.

General Behavior

She loves to work for humans and help them to win everything.

Site Map

Landing Page

Web banking

Mobile App